30-Day Money Back Guarantee Policy

100% satisfied!

At eShop, you inspire us to create innovation collections that people truly love. And if you are not satisfied with our products, we are not. That’s why we’ll happily refund you on your purchase made from our top innovations collections, within 30 days of purchase.

Eligible products: Physical Product only

At eShop, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee for eligible purchases above $150.
Here’s how it works:

  1. Eligibility: Only physical products purchased for $150 or more are eligible for our 30-day money back guarantee.
  2. Initiating a Return: Contact our customer service team within 30 days of delivery to start the return process for eligible items. You can reach us via [contact information].
  3. Return Requirements: The eligible product must be in its original packaging condition, unused, and with all original packaging and tags intact.
  4. Refund Method: Refunds for eligible items will be issued in the form of store credit only, which can be used for future purchases at eShop].
  5. Return Deadline: The returned eligible product must reach us within the 30-day period from the date you received your order to qualify for store credit.
  6. Exclusions: Shipping, handling, and any other non-product related costs are excluded from the store credit amount. Digital products or downloads are not covered under this money back guarantee.
  7. Terms and Conditions: Please note that we reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the money back guarantee from time to time.
  8. Contact Us: For any questions about our 30-day money back guarantee or assistance with a return, please contact our customer service team.

We strive to ensure your satisfaction with every eligible purchase and appreciate your understanding of our refund policy.